Beauty Therapy
Building & Maintenance
Financial & Legal
Fishing Charters
Health & Fitness
Home & Garden
Non Profit
Nurseries and Landscapers
Outdoor Activities
Places of Interest
Restaurants & Pubs
Weddings and Functions

Business Directory for the KZN South Coast

Featured Category

Fishing Charters

Welcome to the U-Find South Coast Business Directory, where we put you in touch with reputable businesses on the South Coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Quite simply our aim with this website is to provide reputable businesses with a platform to promote their business and have some form of online presence that is both affordable and effective. Further to that we want to ensure that visitors to the website will be able to find a reliable vendor who will provide a suitable product or service at a fair price.

We do our best to ensure that all businesses listed on this website are honest and ethical people to do business with, so if you have had an experience with a listed business that proves otherwise, please let us know.

This Business Directory is closely linked to our Holiday Accommodation website, so businesses in the tourism sector such as restaurants, places of interest, outdoor activities, events etc can get added exposure through links from that website.

The DeStress Clinic
The DeStress Clinic